Super-Intensive German courses in Munich Hamburg Frankfurt Mainz Aachen

You want to communicate effectively in German?

Our super-intensive courses are designed for students who want to make the most progress in the least amount of time.

The super intensive german courses are a combination of group lessons and one-to-one classes. The classes cover listening, reading, speaking and writing skills – including grammar and vocabulary.

The main emphasis is on communication to build up your vocabulary and help to develop fluency and confidence.

The one-to-one classes can be dedicated to business studies, special vocabulary or additional conversational practice.
Super-Intensive German Courses

Super-Intensive German Courses fees

Super-Intensive German courses and Super-Intensive Exam preparation (DSH, TestDaF, telc and Goethe exams): 20 UE* in group + ONE-TO-ONE in the afternoon.

unit per week 20+2 20+4 20+6 20+8 20+10 20 30
1 week 235€ 305€ 375€ 445€ 515€ 700€ 1350€
2 weeks 410€ 550€ 685€ 830€ 970€ 1380€ 2070€
3 weeks 565€ 747€ 985€ 1190€ 1390€ 2040€ 3060€
4 weeks 720€ 1000€ 1280€ 1560€ 1820€ 2720€ 4104€
add. week 225€ 290€ 360€ 410€ 500€ 680€ 1000€

At the end of the course every participant receives a certificate of attendance with a detailed report work and level of attainment. In addition advice is given on what, in our opinion, is the next stage necessary to further improve their level of German.

Super intensive German courses in Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Aachen & Mainz – get your German language certificate in a short period of time.

The intensive German courses are available all year in all levels of the Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER).

Super-Intensive German Courses 1 Super-Intensive German Courses,Super-Intensive German Courses fees,Super-Intensive Exam preparation


Pass Your exam & Get ready for your future!
A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1 | C2