German summer courses

Evolanguage offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a 1-4 weeks intensive courses – to have fun and enjoy Germany – with the Evolanguage summer camp!

Our mission is to prepare students to develop communicative competence in German to function more effectively in academic, professional and social settings.

You can choose between the intensive German summer courses in Munich, Mainz-Wiesbaden, Frankfurt, Aachen, Hamburg, Berlin and Stuttgart.

No matter how old you are – we have the course that’s just right for you. In our classes you´ll learn German and experience Germany this summer! Rapidly improve your German inside the classroom and immerse yourself in German culture and language outside of class! An array of cultural and sightseeing activities supplements your german language summer course and ensures that you will have a great experience during your course.

Mix learning German with pleasure in the summer courses in Germany!


The satisfaction of our students from all over the world is based on a simple formula:

  • High quality lessons.
  • International groups.
  • Best german language teachers.
  • Fun and motivation = Rapid learning success.

Advantages of our summer courses:

  • Diligent studying of vocabulary (at least 200 words per week).
  • Adjusted role-playing for every-day-situations.
  • German grammar in an easy and understandable way.
  • Diligent learning with your coach in small groups.
  • Specific exercises and continuous repeating of the material.
  • It is possible to join running courses at any time.
  • Excursions and cultural visits.
  • Participation certificate.

Summer intensive courses

DSH, TestDaf, Goethe & telc preparation
A1-C2 CEFR exam preparation
course valid for visa
  • Type of course: Intensive German summer course with 20 units per week from Monday to Friday.
  • Duration: 1 – 12 weeks
  • Months: June, July, August.
  • Course participants: youth from 12 years.
  • Levels: All levels & test prepartion.

Summer courses for children

German summer courses
  • Type of course: Intensive German summer course with 20 units per week from Monday to Friday.
  • Duration: 1 – 12 weeks.
  • Months: June, July, August.
  • Course participants: kids up to 12 years.
  • Levels: All levels.

Included with course fee / Notes:

  • Placement test at the beginning of the course.
  • Course material.
  • Intensive language lessons from monday to friday.
  • All levels.
  • Visits to different museums after previous linguistic preparation during the lessons.
  • 1 excursions per week.
  • Free highspeed internet access & telephone for national calls in germany.
  • Participation certificate.

Not included:

  • Accommodation with breakfast (around 150€ per week).
  • Medical/accident insurance (28€ per month).
  • Entrance fees.
  • Additional excursions.


  • Accommodation with breakfast (around 150€ per week).
  • Medical/accident insurance (28€ per month).
  • Entrance fees.
  • Additional excursions.
Registration deadline and number of participants

Because of the limitation of the number of course participants, we recommend early registration by using our online registration form or by e-mail.

Evolangauge German language schools in Germany: Easily accessible by road, air and rail, we offer German summer courses with superb teaching and leisure activities in the nicest cities in Germany – come and see for yourself!

The intensive German courses are available all year in all levels of the Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER).

German summer courses 1 German summer courses,summer courses,German courses,Summer intensive courses,Summer courses for children,GERMAN LANGUAGE EXAMS


Pass Your exam & Get ready for your future!
A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1 | C2