German courses in Leipzig

Welcome to our German language courses in Leipzig.
Learn German as foreign language and business German!
Would you like to learn German in a friendly, international environment?

We offer high-quality courses at the best prices for learners from multicultural backgrounds.

Intensive high-quality German courses in Germany & university preparatory courses in small groups.

Why learn German with us?
If you‘re looking to learn German intensively, in small groups in a manner tailored to your individual needs, and if you are an adult learner, who wants the quality of a professional German language school in Germany, we have the right course for you and then you are the kind of person, who will enjoy our Geman courses.
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Our course offer in Leipzig

  • Intensive German courses: German as foreign language.
  • German summer courses.
  • Business German for Executives.
  • Exam preparation: preparatory courses for DSH and TestDaF.
  • One-to-one classes.
  • Inhouse courses for companies and business customers.

Advantages of our intensive business German courses in Leipzig

  • Diligent studying of vocabulary (at least 200 words per week).
  • Adjusted role-playing for every-day-situations.
  • German grammar in an easy and understandable way.
  • Diligent learning with your coach.
  • Specific exercises and continuous repeating of the material.
  • Small groups.
  • You´ll speak German from the first day!
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The intensive German courses are available all year in all levels of the Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER).

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Pass Your exam & Get ready for your future!
A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1 | C2